The editors accept work sent electronically to:
W fight against plagiarism, ghostwriting and guest authorship. We oblige authors to complete and sign a declaration of the authenticity and originality of their article.
All texts previously published or translated from another language must be accompanied by information on the place and date of the earlier publication or source. It is the author’s responsibility to communicate this information regarding the text sent.
Articles may not exceed 1 publisher’s sheet of 40 000 signs, including spaces, where reviews may not exceed 8 pages – ¾ of a publisher’s sheet.
Texts should be complete with footnotes at the bottom of each page following the format of the latest journal edition available. Citations should include: the full title, the first letter of the forename and the surname of the author and translator where appropriate, the surname of the editor of a volume or collective work where appropriate, the name of the publisher, the date and location of the publication (for example: J. Derrida, Voice and Phenomenon: Introduction to the Problem of the Sign in Husserl’s Phenomenology, trans. Leonard Lawlor, Northwestern University Press, Evanston 2010, p. 133). If the text includes a motto, it should also be accompanied by a bibliographical footnote.
The text should be formatted in the following way: font – Times Roman, text size 12, 1.5 interline spacing. Preferred programs: MS Word, Open Office.
Following the blind review process, we ask authors not to include their forename or surname or any other data which could identify them in the article; the title at the beginning of the text should, however, be included.
In addition, the final article itself should be preceded by an introductory page including: the full title in Polish and in English; an abstract (of 150 to 200 words), a list of keywords in English and a list of keywords in Polish; the author’s forename and surname, a short biographical note about the author, their bibliography, academic title and academic affiliation or current workplace; their ORCID number and an email address which can be shared with readers.